Welcome to Foshan Shike Glass Technology Co., Ltd.


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                Current position
                English > About us
                  FOSHAN THINK XINGYUAN Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd(FOSHAN THINKGLASS Technology Co.,Ltd) is a comprehensive hi-tech enterprizing in research and development of glass deep processing machinery,modern technologies,new techniques and auxiliary equipment.Through years of research and practice.Thinkglass has developed shape glass tempering furnaces,automatic intelligent coninous bending furnaces,etc.Which have been widely applied in architectural decorations,vehicles,civil furniture,appliances,industrial instrumentation,etc.
                  We persist the idea of "Development is the absolute principle", vigorously carries forward the enterprise spint of Unity, Endeavoring practicality and innovation",and management idea of"customer's demand is our guide, customer's satisfaction is our goal, serving customer with heart and soul, relays on the qualified staff,scientific management and responsibilities
                  THINKGLASS will provide you latest glass machinery with first class services. We hope to be your reliable friend for creating a beetter future.
                  Energy saving and high efficiency
                  1. Separation of tempering and cooling, process can help to decrease working time of the bigger blower so as to get the minimun power of blower.
                  2. Efficiency and stable heating system can let heating time being least.
                  3. Perfect structure, of quenching and cooling section allows to temper glass with low air pressure, so it can reuce noise efficiently.  
                  4.The blower is controlled by inverter completely,so that it can reduce power consumption.

                CONTACT US

                TEL:13812633032(同微信) 17503077662(whatsapp)


                EAMIL: info@northernoakspt.com

                No. 5, Jingang Avenue, Baini Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province