Welcome to Foshan Shike Glass Technology Co., Ltd.


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                Current position
                English > Product center


                This machine is used to processinghigh qualified Low-E glass, architectural glass, furniture glass and automotive glass
                1.The upper with high temperature fan comection to forced heat on the glass surface, the lower use of compressed air balance system to adjust heat balance, it makes the heat fumace inside more balanced and improve the uniformity of the glass heated
                2. Using PID temperature control and intelligent modules heating can control the fumace temperature precisel
                3.Convection system can shorten the heating time: improve the processing quality on glass surface and the rate of the finished products
                4.Using high quality stainless steel lining board to prevent impunties from falling out and ensure the ceramic roller is not contaminated
                5. Convection system is mainly for single silver, double silver and three Low-E glass, t makes a difficult heated glass heat strengthened and roduce the heating time,
                MAIN PURPOSES
                Producing tempered lam nated glass and other high-quality LOW-E glass and coated glass in solar senior civilian electrical appliances, indoor decoration area, making cars, train and ship
                THINKGLASS Technology Co, Ltd is a comprehensive hi-tech enterprizing in research and development of glass deep processing machinery, modem technologies, newtechniques and auxiliary equipment. Through years of research and practice, Thinkglass has developed shape glass tempering fumaces, automatic intelligent coninousbending furnaces, etc Which have been widely applied in architectural decorations, vehicles, civil furniture, appliances, industrial instrumentation, etc
                We persist the idea of"Development is the absolute principle vigorously carries forward the enterprise spirit of Unity, Endeavoring practicality and innovation,, andmanagement idea of customer's demand is our guide, customer's satisfaction is our goal, serving customer with heart and soul, relays on the qualified staff, scientificmanagement and responsibilities.
                THINKGLASS will provide you latest glass machinery with first dass services. We hope to be your reliable friend for creating a beetter future

                CONTACT US

                TEL:13812633032(同微信) 17503077662(whatsapp)


                EAMIL: info@northernoakspt.com

                No. 5, Jingang Avenue, Baini Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province